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The RedONE


Dubai - Day 1

Dubai 0430
飛機抵達 Dubai International Airport,機外氣溫36℃,凌晨四點半的氣溫是攝氏36度!踏出機外即時感受到朋友所說的:「全身上下被風筒吹送!」的感覺!

Dubai 0515
一行25人到達五星級的 Mövenpíck (它同時是有名的雪糕牌子,酒店內當然有售,而且美味非常),它的前身是 Holiday Inn,大堂的裝潢盡顯它的氣派。本來,晨早六點未到已經到達酒店的旅行團,需要待在大堂,直到七點才開始當日之行程。但“滿意”就可以即時得到房間的鑰匙,分派房間給團友,稍作休息及梳洗,其他旅團的團友就只有看的份兒,可憐!

Dubai 0730
第一日的行程是遊訪 Sharjah (沙渣),阿Moon臨行前噣咐大家要穿上有袖上衣及長褲,特別是女士,因為沙查的人回教思想較重,衣著“過份暴露”的女士有可能會被捕哦。

Dubai 0800
一眾到達另一間酒店-Coral Oriental Dubai 的餐廳,先享用早餐,吃飽再到鄰近的酋長國沙查。

Dubai 0915
第一站是Sharjah Archaeological Museum (沙查考古博物館),隨後前往參觀可蘭經紀念碑,它的四周有清真寺、阿聯酋的外交部、議事廳等多座具特色之建築。

Dubai 1000
Bait Al Naboodah (特色古大宅),它的牆身都是由珊瑚跟沙泥所建的,裏面有著阿拉伯古式的家居擺設,中間的空地有一棵大樹,樹上掛著可口的果子。

Dubai 1130
阿Moon稱這個環節作“血淺沙查市”!沙查市市集是個兩棟式古建築物,由兩條天橋連接,剛剛完成翻新,裝設空調(這一點非常重要,當地日間平均氣溫45 度,沒空調的室內會跟焗爐一個模樣喇)。這裏可買到富中東特色的紀念品-沙畫、油燈、水煙座、民族服、地毯等……大家在這裏都放了不少血!

Dubai 1330
返回 Dubai Wafi City (金字塔外觀的Shopping Centre)內的 Thai Chi 餐廳享用美味的泰式自助餐。Wafi City 的埃及式裝潢當然謀殺了不少“記憶體”!

Dubai 1530
天氣太熱,人又累,阿Moon帶大家回到Mövenpíck 休息休息, Cillic、Josephine 和我當然不會錯過這自由時間,到了酒店附近的 Lamcy Plaza 參觀,搜尋聞名已久的耶棗巧克力,果然聞名不如試食!

Dubai 1700
今次美麗華的行程是個全包宴,故名思意,所有餐宴都已包括在團費內,每日的早午晚餐都安排得妥妥當當,不用花費,也不用費心。第一日的黃昏,是杜拜河灣遊船晚宴,邊用晚膳邊欣賞黃昏杜拜咸水河灣兩岸的美景!食物都變得美味呢!又跟阿 Moon 閑談他的個人經歷,跟世界各地的風土人情,同時他又用力推銷 Turkey 及自己,大家都聽得入神,心都往 Turkey 去了……

Dubai 2200

Dubai 2330


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Background Music

Good Morning Revival - Good Charlotte

March On

Don't cry, open up your eyes and know
There's someone else out there that feels this way

I'm singing to you
Cause I know what you've been through and now
It's not so long ago I felt the same

Like soldiers, march on
If we can make it through tonight we'll see the sun
March on, march on

And I remember summer nights alone
Fireflies the only thing we own
Yeah, all we had were dreams of California
And I remember winters were so cold
Hunger was the only thing we know
And rock'n'roll dreamin' was what saved us

Like soldiers, march on
If we can make it through tonight we'll see the sun
March on, march on

Till we see the sun, march on, till we see the sun
Through the good times, through the bad times
Through the long days, through the hard nights
Keep on, till we see the sun

Like soldiers, march on
If we can make it through tonight we'll see the sun
March on, march on

Like soldiers, march on
If we can make it through tonight we'll see the sun
March on, march on

Even when there's no one there for you march on
Even when the days are long for you march on
And like soldiers, march on